First Time Experience at Mobile Tech Expo

My First Time Experience at Mobile Tech Expo 2018 

By Chris Blaisdell, CD, from Onsite Detail 

Before the Expo I really was not sure what to expect. I had only heard good things about it and was pretty excited to get there and see it for myself.  

DAY 1. Education Day. 

I arrived early and got my badge. I was really looking forward to the International Detailing Association classes and some of the other classes in the detailing category. There were also multiple classes on business in general and digital marketing. The only thing I was a little disappointed about was that I could not be in two (or 3) places at once to hear and be a part of each class in the detailing category. I was really impressed with the spread of knowledge and experiences that were shared. There were topics ranging from proper business setup (legally speaking) to being more efficient in your detailing operation(s) to ceramic coatings, etc. 

If MTE was just the education day it would be worth the trip. I do think some topics were basic but absolutely necessary for every detailer and detailing business owner to know and understand.  

DAY 2. Expo Day 1 

On Saturday morning Renny Doyle was the keynote speaking for the whole show. It was the first time a detailer had been given that honor. His speech was nothing less than motivational. People were talking about it all day. When the Expo hall opened and throughout the day it was a madhouse. Every booth was full of people anxious to see what was new and to ask questions about products and services. It was great but hard to really get the one on one time needed to ask and get information. Although throughout the day I was able to talk with many other detailers and business owners from all over the country. There were guys who were the one man show type and others with multiple shops and employees. 

In the afternoon the IDA put on an incredible webinar and to be there in person was different than just logging in online. There was a panel of experts, or guys with a lot of experience in their respective areas. It was an open forum where we and those online could ask questions and get plenty of great feedback. Afterwords I was able to chat with Renny one on one for a bit and that’s just something that I didn’t expect before going to MTE. 

In the evening the IDA hosted the Annual Business Meeting where we heard the goals for 2018 laid out by Justin LabatoKeith Duplessie gave an awesome state of the industry speech. We heard from many other of the board members (past and present) as well as what the goals are moving forward this year. The 2018 award winners were also announced. Congrats to each of them again! It was awesome to see many members of the IDA together in one room supporting each other and rejoicing in the success of others.  

DAY 3. Expo Day 2 

This was the day when things calmed down a bit and I was able to visit with many people individually and get more info on things one on one. I really enjoyed meeting up with people in the industry and discussing the different aspects of detailing, including products, equipment, business and just where everyone is coming from. Everyone has a story of how they got into detailing and how it has now become a part of their life. Being at the expo with others in the detailing world and other members of the IDA, I really understood the vision of what the IDA stands for and what it is doing for the Industry.  

highly recommend attending the Mobile Tech Expo in 2019. I know I’ll be there. Also join the IDA and see what you can do to help improve our industry and make it better for everyone involved.

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