The creation of ceramic coatings has changed the way people protect their vehicle’s exterior surfaces. When compared to a traditional car wax or paint sealant, a ceramic coating forms a much harder, thicker layer of protection, enabling it to last considerably longer. Ceramic coatings form a strong and durable layer of protection on many of your vehicles exterior surfaces. Not only does a ceramic coating provide exceptional protection but the depth and gloss that can be achieved are truly astounding. When kept clean and with proper maintenance your vehicle will have a deep glossy look for years!
9H Ceramic Coating Installation
We are proud to offer the residents of Utah 9H ceramic coating. These coatings, by definition, are highly concentrated compounds that are comprised primarily of silicon dioxide. This version of ceramic coating provides a superior level of protection via nano-technology. The compounds are able to get into all of the tiny imperfections, cracks, and porous surface elements to provide the very best protection for your vehicle.